77 research outputs found

    Reconciling Predictive Coding and Biased Competition Models of Cortical Function

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    A simple variation of the standard biased competition model is shown, via some trivial mathematical manipulations, to be identical to predictive coding. Specifically, it is shown that a particular implementation of the biased competition model, in which nodes compete via inhibition that targets the inputs to a cortical region, is mathematically equivalent to the linear predictive coding model. This observation demonstrates that these two important and influential rival theories of cortical function are minor variations on the same underlying mathematical model

    Learning viewpoint invariant perceptual representations from cluttered images

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    In order to perform object recognition, it is necessary to form perceptual representations that are sufficiently specific to distinguish between objects, but that are also sufficiently flexible to generalize across changes in location, rotation, and scale. A standard method for learning perceptual representations that are invariant to viewpoint is to form temporal associations across image sequences showing object transformations. However, this method requires that individual stimuli be presented in isolation and is therefore unlikely to succeed in real-world applications where multiple objects can co-occur in the visual input. This paper proposes a simple modification to the learning method that can overcome this limitation and results in more robust learning of invariant representations

    Predictive Coding as a Model of Biased Competition in Visual Attention

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    Attention acts, through cortical feedback pathways, to enhance the response of cells encoding expected or predicted information. Such observations are inconsistent with the predictive coding theory of cortical function which proposes that feedback acts to suppress information predicted by higher-level cortical regions. Despite this discrepancy, this article demonstrates that the predictive coding model can be used to simulate a number of the effects of attention. This is achieved via a simple mathematical rearrangement of the predictive coding model, which allows it to be interpreted as a form of biased competition model. Nonlinear extensions to the model are proposed that enable it to explain a wider range of data

    Learning image components for object recognition

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    In order to perform object recognition it is necessary to learn representations of the underlying components of images. Such components correspond to objects, object-parts, or features. Non-negative matrix factorisation is a generative model that has been specifically proposed for finding such meaningful representations of image data, through the use of non-negativity constraints on the factors. This article reports on an empirical investigation of the performance of non-negative matrix factorisation algorithms. It is found that such algorithms need to impose additional constraints on the sparseness of the factors in order to successfully deal with occlusion. However, these constraints can themselves result in these algorithms failing to identify image components under certain conditions. In contrast, a recognition model (a competitive learning neural network algorithm) reliably and accurately learns representations of elementary image features without such constraints

    A feedback model of perceptual learning and categorisation

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    Top-down, feedback, influences are known to have significant effects on visual information processing. Such influences are also likely to affect perceptual learning. This article employs a computational model of the cortical region interactions underlying visual perception to investigate possible influences of top-down information on learning. The results suggest that feedback could bias the way in which perceptual stimuli are categorised and could also facilitate the learning of sub-ordinate level representations suitable for object identification and perceptual expertise

    Explaining Away Results in Accurate and Tolerant Template Matching

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    Unsupervised learning of overlapping image components using divisive input modulation

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    This paper demonstrates that nonnegative matrix factorisation is mathematically related to a class of neural networks that employ negative feedback as a mechanism of competition. This observation inspires a novel learning algorithm which we call Divisive Input Modulation (DIM). The proposed algorithm provides a mathematically simple and computationally efficient method for the unsupervised learning of image components, even in conditions where these elementary features overlap considerably. To test the proposed algorithm, a novel artificial task is introduced which is similar to the frequently-used bars problem but employs squares rather than bars to increase the degree of overlap between components. Using this task, we investigate how the proposed method performs on the parsing of artificial images composed of overlapping features, given the correct representation of the individual components; and secondly, we investigate how well it can learn the elementary components from artificial training images. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with its predecessors including variations on these algorithms that have produced state-of-the-art performance on the bars problem. The proposed algorithm is more successful than its predecessors in dealing with overlap and occlusion in the artificial task that has been used to assess performance

    Predictive Coding as a Model of Response Properties in Cortical Area V1

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    Comprehensive Assessment of the Performance of Deep Learning Classifiers Reveals a Surprising Lack of Robustness

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    Reliable and robust evaluation methods are a necessary first step towards developing machine learning models that are themselves robust and reliable. Unfortunately, current evaluation protocols typically used to assess classifiers fail to comprehensively evaluate performance as they tend to rely on limited types of test data, and ignore others. For example, using the standard test data fails to evaluate the predictions made by the classifier to samples from classes it was not trained on. On the other hand, testing with data containing samples from unknown classes fails to evaluate how well the classifier can predict the labels for known classes. This article advocates bench-marking performance using a wide range of different types of data and using a single metric that can be applied to all such data types to produce a consistent evaluation of performance. Using such a benchmark it is found that current deep neural networks, including those trained with methods that are believed to produce state-of-the-art robustness, are extremely vulnerable to making mistakes on certain types of data. This means that such models will be unreliable in real-world scenarios where they may encounter data from many different domains, and that they are insecure as they can easily be fooled into making the wrong decisions. It is hoped that these results will motivate the wider adoption of more comprehensive testing methods that will, in turn, lead to the development of more robust machine learning methods in the future. Code is available at: \url{https://codeberg.org/mwspratling/RobustnessEvaluation

    Artificial ontogenesis: a connectionist model of development

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    This thesis suggests that ontogenetic adaptive processes are important for generating intelligent beha- viour. It is thus proposed that such processes, as they occur in nature, need to be modelled and that such a model could be used for generating artificial intelligence, and specifically robotic intelligence. Hence, this thesis focuses on how mechanisms of intelligence are specified.A major problem in robotics is the need to predefine the behaviour to be followed by the robot. This makes design intractable for all but the simplest tasks and results in controllers that are specific to that particular task and are brittle when faced with unforeseen circumstances. These problems can be resolved by providing the robot with the ability to adapt the rules it follows and to autonomously create new rules for controlling behaviour. This solution thus depends on the predefinition of how rules to control behaviour are to be learnt rather than the predefinition of rules for behaviour themselves.Learning new rules for behaviour occurs during the developmental process in biology. Changes in the structure of the cerebral 'cortex underly behavioural and cognitive development throughout infancy and beyond. The uniformity of the neocortex suggests that there is significant computational uniformity across the cortex resulting from uniform mechanisms of development, and holds out the possibility of a general model of development. Development is an interactive process between genetic predefinition and environmental influences. This interactive process is constructive: qualitatively new behaviours are learnt by using simple abilities as a basis for learning more complex ones. The progressive increase in competence, provided by development, may be essential to make tractable the process of acquiring higher -level abilities.While simple behaviours can be triggered by direct sensory cues, more complex behaviours require the use of more abstract representations. There is thus a need to find representations at the correct level of abstraction appropriate to controlling each ability. In addition, finding the correct level of abstrac- tion makes tractable the task of associating sensory representations with motor actions. Hence, finding appropriate representations is important both for learning behaviours and for controlling behaviours. Representations can be found by recording regularities in the world or by discovering re- occurring pat- terns through repeated sensory -motor interactions. By recording regularities within the representations thus formed, more abstract representations can be found. Simple, non -abstract, representations thus provide the basis for learning more complex, abstract, representations.A modular neural network architecture is presented as a basis for a model of development. The pat- tern of activity of the neurons in an individual network constitutes a representation of the input to that network. This representation is formed through a novel, unsupervised, learning algorithm which adjusts the synaptic weights to improve the representation of the input data. Representations are formed by neurons learning to respond to correlated sets of inputs. Neurons thus became feature detectors or pat- tern recognisers. Because the nodes respond to patterns of inputs they encode more abstract features of the input than are explicitly encoded in the input data itself. In this way simple representations provide the basis for learning more complex representations. The algorithm allows both more abstract represent- ations to be formed by associating correlated, coincident, features together, and invariant representations to be formed by associating correlated, sequential, features together.The algorithm robustly learns accurate and stable representations, in a format most appropriate to the structure of the input data received: it can represent both single and multiple input features in both the discrete and continuous domains, using either topologically or non -topologically organised nodes. The output of one neural network is used to provide inputs for other networks. The robustness of the algorithm enables each neural network to be implemented using an identical algorithm. This allows a modular `assembly' of neural networks to be used for learning more complex abilities: the output activations of a network can be used as the input to other networks which can then find representations of more abstract information within the same input data; and, by defining the output activations of neurons in certain networks to have behavioural consequences it is possible to learn sensory -motor associations, to enable sensory representations to be used to control behaviour